Thursday, July 10, 2008

ingredients for a perfect morning

home baked scones, warm from the oven, slathered with real butter

(diet be damned)

the sweet little noises of contentment coming from sleeping dogs

a brand new terra cotta pot waiting to be filled with soil and my newest plant

lovely new patio furniture and a cloudy summer day with a cool breeze blowing

orangey red, ripening tomatoes waiting to be picked from the plant

sleeping children

two new gardening books

and an empty calendar


Studentmum said...

Sounds like heaven - enjoy!

Babaloo said...

Sounds like paradise to me! I'd never get any tomatoes here, the slugs would eat them all. But I managed to have 6 raspberries yesterday, yay! :-)

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Sounds blissful! Enjoy!

Jen said...

That sounds like the PERFECT morning to me!! Those scones sound delicious and they way you described the weather, etc. just sounds like heaven!

willowtree said...

Yep, sounds good to me!

Jen said...

That sounds delicious, all of it! Especially the sleeping children part.

The Green Stone Woman said...

Sounds like pure bliss to me, go for it.

Faye said...

You are so right Kaycie. Hope your scone has real lemon juice and zest in it--yum. And nothing better to look forward to than have contented two and four-legged buddies around and a light schedule with just barely enough to do so you don't feel guilty. Enjoy! All too soon you'll be back on school schedule probably.

Cait O'Connor said...

Ah... an empty calendar.
And all the rest.
And those scones - yummy!

the rotten correspondent said...

Oh, Kaycie...

I want your life.

That sounds perfect.

Katie said...

I want home baked scones!

laurie said...

dammit you're making me want to take august off again.

Kim said...

I enjoyed it immensely, ms wiz!

I love raspberries, Babaloo. I had slugs in my yard at the old house, but they never bothered my tomatoes. Maybe it was the raised garden bed.

It was wonderful, Angela. Thanks for stopping by.

The weather was lovely that day, Jen. Unfortunately, we're having the more typical Oklahoma heat and humidity now. I probably won't see another cool, cloudy morning like that until fall.

It was great, WT. Even you couldn't have found a thing to complain about!

I bet the sleeping children part does sound heavenly to you, Jen. Is that new babe sleeping through the night yet?

It was great, Irene.

They were just plain scones with milk and sugar placed on top before baking. I don't even cut them out, I just slice the big round of dough like a pie just before baking. Simple and wonderful, Faye.

The empty calendar was the best part, Cait.

RC, you're welcome to come sit on the back porch with me anytime.

I'd send you some, Katie, but scones really must be eaten warm!

So take August off, Laurie. Come down and I'll bake scones for you. I'll even stock the fridge with Guinness.

ped crossing said...

An empty calendar? How do you manage that?

Pamela said...

isn't this where Martha says: It's a good thing!

I love scones. We always got a scone with strawberry preserves when we went to the Western Washington Fair -- as children.

I haven't been there in years and years - but whenever I see a scone it takes me there.

Manic Mother Of Five said...

Am right with you there honey!

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

It's the simple things in life that are the best. You summed it up well.

Carolyn said...

Perfection. All of it. Especially the scones. I'm part Scottish you know...


aminah said...

oh yummy scones with butter...a lovely friend of mine invited me over for tea and scones last week when it was raining. It was so cosy sitting round her table with cups of steaming hot tea and a plate loaded with homemade scones as a centerpiece...and the rain rolling down the windows....

elizabethm said...

where are you?

laurie said...

surely those scones are gone by now.

what else is going on? and yes, it really is 2:20 a.m.

The Green Stone Woman said...

You've been munching those bloody scones for quite some time now.

The Green Stone Woman said...

You should call this 'lost in scones with butter'.

Carolyn said...

Oh no... scones. Home baked scones. I love home baked scones to death. Love them. Especially with gobs of real butter. It's the only way. Must be something to do with my Scottish ancestry. You'll have to share the recipe... email me please!?

Having said that, I have a terrific scone recipe that I made for B's parents in Hungary. Only problem was my poor calculation of oven temperatures. Their communist-era gas oven was very unpredicatble and my scones got quite burnt on the bottom. Oh well. The tops still tasted fabulous! (The secret to their wonderfulness is tops that are sprinkled with sugar.)

Scones aside, I love your recipe for a perfect morning. Heavenly.

Carolyn said...

LOL. I just realized that I already commented on this post a while ago. I'm scrolling through your blog today - trying to catch up - and the picture of scones stopped me cold. Funnily enough, my last comment focused on the scones and being Scottish too. Hilarious. I'm obsessed I tell ya!