Monday, January 7, 2008

Fun Monday #6: From Zero to Four in Record Time

Our lovely hostess, Lisa, wants to meet the pets. A little more than a year ago, this would have been a hard one for me. We had no pets for a long time. Our house was full to the brim with our children and our possessions and our children's possessions. I didn't want to be bothered with feeding animals, grooming animals, or taking animals to the vet. I was busy. My husband was busy. The children . . . well, the children didn't get a vote.

I changed my mind at the most inconvenient time. Well, my mind was changed for me, but that's another story. Courtesy of my parents, we ended up with two little kittens. At the time, we were in the middle of moving. Our house was on the market and my husband was living in a three bedroom, two bath, third floor walk-up. The kids and I spent part of our time driving on the turnpike to see him, carrying these two little ones back and forth:

They are brother and sister. The little yellow one, the male, was so sick he almost died. He weighed fourteen ounces the first time we took him to the vet. His sister weighed eighteen ounces.

Now, this big guy is over eight pounds. Our lovely daughter, with her odd, dramatic streak, dubbed him Streudel.

And this pretty girl named Lucy now weighs just over four pounds. She's quite delicate. This is her favorite place in the house, right on top of our fridge. Her reasons will become quite clear when you see what we got next.

We enjoyed the cats so much and found they really weren't much trouble. One day, my husband and I watched as our then eight year old son kept his distance from the neighbor's dog. He was clearly interested, but watched from across the street as the other children petted the dog and played with him. Later on, we asked him why, and he informed us that he couldn't touch a dog because of his allergies. In a very pitiful way. That's when we decided to get a puppy for Christmas, one that wouldn't shed and cause the little guy to have allergy problems. That is how Jack came into our lives.

He is about four months old here. I can't describe how much he changed our lives. The children love him. I love him. My husband pretends he doesn't, but he loves Jack, too. Below is a shot of Jack, laying in his favorite spot: my husband's lap.

As Jack grew, we decided he needed a companion. Mostly to keep him from killing the cats. Lucy had taken to hiding somewhere high all day, not coming out to socialize with me until I had crated Jack at night. Streudel played with Jack, but spent a lot of his time jumping up onto railings and counters and furniture.

This is Maddy, the day we brought her home. She was eight weeks old. Jack went nuts. He barked at her most of that afternoon. It wasn't until the next day he figured out that she would play with him.

And this is Maddy now, about seventeen weeks old. She needs a haircut, but isn't she adorable?

Even though we've only had Maddy about two months, she and Jack are already inseparable. They nap together and play together. Most of the time, they forget all about the cats, which makes for much happier kitty cats. I'd say that we're just one big, happy family.

That's how we went from one pet to four in under eighteen months. I thought I'd lost my mind for a while, but we wouldn't trade them for anything now.


Pamela said...

I love schnauzers (and cats)
My sis had a schnauzer named Kaizer. I was as happy to see him when they came to visit giggle.

lisaschaos said...

What a nice family of pets! I especially love the photo of Jack and Maddy looking out the window! And that one of Jack! Poor kitty having to hide from doggies, life's just not fair. :)

ped crossing said...

You are nuts, but most of us are too. We are happy with one pet, but our kids are much littler (6 & 3). Eventually we may have more than one dog, but no cats (allergic and they hate me).

Fianna said...

Wow! That was a quick and rather large expansion of the family! I think it is best for pets to have another animal companion. My friend always laughs at me...I got a cat for my cat...hey...she was lonely!!

Gattina said...

That's a cute story !! I think we will never know with how many pets we end up when you start with one, lol ! My "end" should be the five cats I have now !

The Electronic Firefly said...

Wow, how very cute they all are but I just love Jack - Always wanted a Schnauzer!

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

What a big happy family! I came across a giant Schnauzer the other day on one of our doggy walks. Lovely dog. My cats haven't figured out about jumping up to get out of the way of Jake.

Hootin' Anni said...

Isn't it great? I love pets. And I can totally understand wanting to get 'companions' for them too!!!

Have a super FUN MONDAY!!

laurie said...

it just slays me, the way they rest their chins on our legs or laps or feet or, sometimes, shoulders. just slays me.

those cats must mean extra to you, since you saved their lives.

thefoodsnob said...

Wow, I think you have aptly titled your post!


Scott said...

I love having a mix of cats and dogs; they make the best of friends. It seems like the delicate cat hides away though.

Thanks for giving me the link to that PDF story on the Delaware Indians. I haven't read it all the way through yet, but I will get to it. I've read about Lenni-Lenape in my current research, but I wonder how detailed it will eventually be. What I'm reading now is very detailed about all the skirmishes in the Civil War, Indian wars, then about weapons and clothing. Yikes. It's like reading an Encyclopedia. I figure the investment will be well worth it once I finish and know where to flip to when I need to know what Kansas Plains farmer wore and what weapons he had in his arsenal.

Thanks for looking in on me and giving me more to work with.

Peter said...

thats a nice story of your expanded family.

Sandy said...

Yep, that's how it starts!

What a great family of pets you have. I love Schnauzers - don't have one, but I love them.

ChrisB said...

I never really thought about animals needing their own kind for companionship but it makes perfect sense. You have a great little family there. Schnauzers are very friendly~ I know a couple of people who have them.

susan said...

I can't help but wonder who you are going to get next!

SwampAngel65 said...

Aw..your kitties are so cute! Actually, Lucy is beautiful! Our cat, Taylor, weighs about 13 pounds, so Streudel ain't got nothin' on her!

Kaytabug said...

They are all so cute! I only wanted one cat but since they were so young when I took them she made me take 2. They still sleep together sometimes and they play together.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I do wish we could have cats too but it is absolutely impossible with The Lurchers.

You have a beautiful 4-legged family!

Life As I Know It said...

"We had no pets for a long time. Our house was full to the brim with our children and our possessions and our children's possessions. I didn't want to be bothered with feeding animals, grooming animals, or taking animals to the vet. I was busy. My husband was busy. The children . . . well, the children didn't get a vote."

This is me RIGHT NOW. Are you suggesting that there will be a day when I change my mind?!? Lord help me...

Kerith Collins said...

i just don't know which is fluffier and cuddlier looking...

Joy T. said...

Love the title of your post LOL All your animals are gorgeous but I especially love the Schnauzers and all their cuteness!

Linda said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I love your pets, we have a pet for our pet too.

In reading the title of your blog and your profile, it sounds like you're someone I would get a long with in "real life." I'll be back often!

the rotten correspondent said...

If my dogs laid on the windowsill like Jack I'd have a whole lot more home repairs on my hands.

Your animals are precious. All of them.

Tiggerlane said...

Actually, I think pets keep us SANE. I love the kitty on the fridge! But then, I'm more of a dog person - so yeah, I giggled.

coloursofdawn said...

That is a big increase in pets in 6 months. They are all lovely. My sisters have a mini schnauzer that is completely black, named Hank. They have a bouvier named Charlie that is completely black also, so Hank looks like Charlie's MiniMe.

Cynthia said...

Cute, cute, cute!!

I love the cute puppies!

Blue Momma said...

I've never had kittens so I am way jealous. But four pounds? My cats spit up hairballs that weigh four pounds.

Obviously no one, pets included, at our house has a problem eating!

Alison said...

They are adorable!! Our cat Rooney sneaks around the house all day until Baron is crated at night..then he breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes!!

Robinella said...

They do grow on you, don't they?!

AnGlOpHiLe FoOtBaLl FaNaTiC said...

Wow. 0 to 4? That is a big adjustment. Your puppies are adorable.

Faye said...

I am so loving the names everyone has given their pets like Streudel! You have a very kind heart Kaycie--and a very liberal immigration policy!

Kim said...

I obviously love schnauzers and cats, too, Pam. So glad you stopped by.

Lisa, this was a great topic! Lucy makes up for her hiding during the day by terrorizing the crated dogs at night. Feel no pity for her, she's in total control.

Of course, I'm nuts, ped crossing. I had no pets when my children were that little. Believe it or not, I have allergies to dogs and cats. That's one of the reasons we have schnauzers. For some reason, I can get used to living with certain cats, but other people's cats still make me sneeze and wheeze and swell up like a balloon.

Fianna, I have been quietly lurking on your blog for a while. It's good to see you here. My husband calls Maddy "Jack's puppy". It sure made him happy.

Gattina, I think five cats would make me crazy! Yours are beautiful, though. I loved reading about them.

Jack is my husband's favorite, TVNM. He's quite spoiled and a bit neurotic but we love him. (Jack, not hubby.)

Mine are miniatures, WUASTC, but I think the standards and the giants are gorgeous, too. Great pic of Jake today.

I didn't really think about animals needing companions until we had the cats together and Jack was alone. It was clear to me he needed company. Thanks for coming by, hootin' anni.

Kim said...

Jack always hooks his chin over hubby's leg like that. If I hold him in my lap, he likes to lay his head on my arm. And when I pick him up, his head goes on my shoulder. It's the sweetest thing ever, Laurie. I love it.

I'm glad you think so, Lisa!

Scott! You came to visit me! Yes, Lucy does hide, but only from the dogs. She plays like crazy with her brother at night. I'm glad you liked the article and didn't think it was a weird thing for me to do. I hope it at least gives you some background info.

I'm glad you came by, Peter. We're pretty fond of our furry family members.

Even if I had seen it coming, knowing what I know now, I would have still gotten them all, Sandy.

Schnauzers are great, Chris. I love them bunches.

Well, Susan, if I have my way, we won't be acquiring any new pets for a good long while. I've got my hands full!

I think Streudel seems big to me because he was so dinky, swampangel. Eight pounds just seems huge, especially since he's still very slender. Lucy, though, she's tiny.

I think it's better to have two cats than one, katyabug. Especially when they're kittens. Our two still sleep together, eat together, and play together. When Lucy went missing earlier this year, Streudel was in absolute mourning. We were so glad we found her.

Kim said...

Cats are so easy, aoj. Of course, some dogs don't tolerate them well. I love your dogs, too. They're so pretty.

Yes, my dear LAIKI, I am telling you that you may change your mind. Not so long ago, I told my children that the only pet we'd ever have would live in a bowl.

Lucy is definitely the most fluffy, Kerith, and both of the cats are very cuddly, but I would say that Jack love to cuddle the most and Maddy is a close second, if she's in the mood. I guess I can't decide, either!

Thanks, Joy, I think our schnauzers are pretty cute, too.

I would love it if you'd come back to visit, Linda. I'll be back to see you, too!

Well, RC, Jack probably weighs all of ten pounds in that picture. He's too big to lay on the windowsills now!

Ah, but what you don't understand, tiggerlane, is that Lucy is the queen of all she surveys from the top of the fridge. Dogs are beneath her and we are not her owners, we're her staff.

Hoo boy, you're not kiddin', coloursofdawn. There were some major adjustments going on!

Thanks, Cynthia. We love them, too.

Believe it or not, Bluemomma, Lucy is a pig when it comes to eating. She's just tiny.

The cats live for crate time, Alison. You know just what I mean!

Yes they do, Robinella. They keep growing, and that's fine, as long as they don't start multiplying!

Thanks, AFF. Yes, big adjustments. And the loss of all kinds of chewable items!

Thank you, Faye. My daughter thought of that name. She thinks he's the color of perfectly baked streudel. However, she wanted to name Jack something like Wellington. My hubby drew the line!

the rotten correspondent said...

kaycie - is TODAY your birthday? If so...


and if not, well, I feel stupid!

sirdar said...

You have some beautiful pets. Funny about the one cat on top of the fridge :-)

Us husbands are suckers for baby pets...OK...I am but we have enough animals around the acreage that we really don't need any matter how cute they are.

Kim said...

RC, tomorrow is my birthday, but I thought it was tomorrow already. Yep. That makes sense.

And thanks!

Kim said...

Thanks, Sirdar. We think they're pretty special.

My hubby is a big marshmallow. But don't tell him I told you so!

bermudabluez said...

TOO cute!! My neighbor at the cottage has a mini schnauzer named Whitney. I love your pets!

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...


Crystal Jigsaw said...

They are all delightful. It's such a relief when they get on well with eachother.

Crystal xx

laurie said...


Kim said...

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes!

Sauntering Soul said...

First of all, Happy Birthday!

Second, your pets are all so sweet! Sounds like a lot of fun at your house.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Happy Birthday Kaycie!!

Katie said...

We always had two cats when I was growing up. Then one got hit by a car and we thought he might die, so we got another cat. The injured cat lived, so we were up to three. Then my brother moved back home with his two cats. Now my parents have a five cat household and I can't imagine it any other way.

Beth said...

Hey girl - it was my birthday yesterday - how funny!

Cats rule!!

Swampwitch said...

Great lookin' pets. I just don't know what life would be like without them.
Since our Boxers think cats are to chase, we don't have any cats. But, I do think they make wonderful pets, too.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Oh they are so cute. I always think schnauzers look so dapper. And its great that they have each other, and let the cats be most of the time now.
I couldn't have resisted your kittens either.

-Ann said...

I love your pictures, especially of the kittens. Few things are as cute as puppies and kittens!

The New Fun Monday topic is now available. Hope you enjoy it.

Frankofile said...

At least you sensibly gave in to big pets straight away. We worked up to it slowly via stick insects, guinea pigs, chinchilla, rat, jirds (like gerbils), cat and finally younger daughter got her way (aged 12) and dad admitted he'd wanted a dog all along. We could have saved dourselves a lot of smelly litter and heartache if we'd got to doggie quicker!

Fire Byrd said...

I know I'm late , but only just found out, so Happy Birthday for yesterday Hon, hope you had a wonderful day.

Babaloo said...

They are absolutely gorgeous, all 4 of them! We went from 1 pet (Honey the dog) to 3 (add 2 cats) when we moved house last summer. We bought the house and the cats were "included" in the price. Kind of.
Funnily it's the 2 cats who fight, no fights between Honey and the cats. I think she's secretly scared of the cats.