Monday, December 31, 2007

Fun Monday #5: Revealing My Shameful Addiction

Peter asked us to put the Fun into Fun Monday. However, I am revealing my terrible, hidden addiction to you here today. When I indulge myself, I sometimes get lost for hours. The breakfast dishes sit undone, the laundry molds in the washing machine, and back when I worked, I would occasionally close the door to my office and pretend to be in a meeting. Toward the end of my working days, I did this to cope. Sometimes for hours. That is how I became the pathetic user you find before you today.

It is a truly terrifying addiction, a time drain to rival all time drains. There is nothing else on which I willingly waste so much of my own precious time. It is a sick and twisted diversion.

Here are some of my favorites:

toothpaste for dinner

toothpaste for dinner

toothpaste for dinner

toothpaste for dinner

toothpaste for dinner

I couldn't pick just one. It's an illness, I tell you. Someone please save me.


Hootin' Anni said...

Me's difficult to pick just ONE---yours are funny.

- - -
Did you know why the Nativity Scene cannot be displayed in D.C.? Because no one can find 3 wise men OR a virgin!!!!

Mine's posted! Come laugh with me today!!!

laurie said...

i've never heard of this cartoon! where did you find it? it's very unusual. i can see where you'd get lost poking around in those archives.

kitten said...

Happy New Year!

Kim said...

Thanks, hootin' anni. I'll be over later to check yours out. The D.C. joke is cute.

I don't remember anymore where I found it, Laurie. The guy is a scientist or something like that for his day job and this was just a diversion. I think he's hilarious.

Thanks, Kitten. Happy New Year to you, too!

Gattina said...

Funny, lol ! thanks for your comment and Happy New Year !

ellen b. said...

Ha! Sorry but on your own, the rest of us are too busy being distracted to help...

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Very funny!!

Alexa said...

They're great!
Happy new Year

Crystal Jigsaw said...

Have a very happy New Year and best wishes to you.

Crystal xx

Tiggerlane said...

If you like this cartoon, you might also like "Cyanide and Happiness" - but be prepared, it's a bit sick and twisted!

Trotting off to share your addiction...

Sandy said...

Nothing like a little skew on our vision of life to make us laugh - and then think! Thanks.

ChrisB said...

I found these very funny.

Happy New Year.

Peter said...

A very good cartoon series thats new to most of us, thanks.

Michelle said...

Very funny!! I haven't seen this one before!!

Alison said...

Those are great...I thought you wrote them....

lady macleod said...

he he But you should live a long life as laughter is healthy.

-Ann said...

Oh jeez, just what I need- another time sink. Those are hilarious.

swampy said...

How would anyone just pick ONE?
May you and yours have a Happy New Year.

the rotten correspondent said...

I've never seen these either. Very funny. Just remember to come up for air every now and then, okay?

Robinella said...

Those are hilarious! My kinda humor.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

Black-eyed peas! Haven't had them in years! Happy New Year, Kaycie. And thanks for the cartoons. They're very funny.

lisaschaos said...

Those are cute, well maybe cute isn't the right word. :) Love them though. :)

Kaytabug said...

Very Funny!! Have a Happy New Year!!

Cait O'Connor said...

Good to visit and catch up with your great blog.
I loved these cartoons too, real gems Kaycie, where do you find them?

Fun Mondays are a good idea.

elizabethm said...

These are fantastic. This is definintely not an addiction to be ashamed of, more a source of pride. Can see it might not always go down well though.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I cannot stop laughing at that last one.

It's totally going up in my office.

Jo Beaufoix said...

Hee hee.

They are good. I especially like the dog and hamster one. Sorry I'm late. Happy New Year.

Kim said...

These cartoons can be found at:

Thanks to everyone for visiting. I'm glad you all enjoyed them, and I'm sorry to those of you who like them as much as I do.