Thursday, September 6, 2007

the high school play

Lovely daughter came home with wonderful news yesterday. Actually, she called me from school because she was so excited. The she called her daddy and her grandparents and her friends... She has been cast in one of the main parts of this year's school play!

The high school is doing "Our Town". A bitty, tiny little girl with a sweet, adolescent voice has been cast as Emily. Lovely daughter, with her deeper voice and more grown up figure, has been cast as Emily's mother.

This is not her first play. She has had speaking parts previously in "The Odd Couple", "Amadeus", and a couple of student-written productions. She served as stage manager and assistant director, and the voice of Myra, for a production of Neil Simon's "Rumors".

But this is her first play at the new school. She is taking theater production this year. Her teacher had already spoken to her about the assistant director spot because of her current class and her previous experience, but after tryouts, the teacher called her in and asked if she'd mind being cast instead because the teacher thought she was "perfect" in auditions. Pretty cool.

As has been previously noted, our lovely daughter is somewhat dramatic. When she was little and became upset she didn't just cry. She worked up to it. First, she would check for her audience. Then she would begin by poking out her little bottom lip. Next, the eyes would fill with tears and her nose would wrinkle. She would screw up her tiny little face and start to sob quietly, then throw herself over, bending at the waist onto whatever surface she was on, whether it was the bed, the sofa, the changing table, or the tile floor in the kitchen. I can remember thinking she was going to give herself a concussion. Then the sobbing and wailing would begin in earnest. I used to put a blanket in her bedroom floor, lay her on it, and leave the room. Once her audience disappeared, it was quite amazing how quickly the sobs would stop.

Honestly, I'm grateful that she's found an outlet for all that drama. She's far too big for me to pick her up now.

Picture one: Lovely daughter is on the left in black and red, onstage in "Amadeus".


the rotten correspondent said...

Don't you just love the drama queens? I have three of them myself and am really grateful that they have some kind of outlet for it.

Congrats on her getting the part.That is absolutely wonderful news. You'll have to tape it for us!

Kim said...

She is my only daughter. I am most decidedly NOT a drama queen. It makes for an interesting relationship. My middle son is pretty even, but the little one is beginning to show dramatic tendencies. Dangit.

Thanks, RC. Pictures, video, you name it . . .

laurie said...

this will be so fun. i'm happy for her.

my niece has been studying ballet since she was 7 or 8. (she's now 12) she was Clara in the nutcracker last christmas--i really wanted to get to oklahoma to see it, but it was just too impossibly busy a time of year.

but it's a great feeling to see those we love up on the stage.

Crystal Jigsaw said...

Congratulations for your daughter, a fantastic achievement, hope all goes well.

As for drama queens, I have a seven year old who's an expert. Perhaps I should enroll her in a drama group - she'd knock socks of 'em all.

Crystal xx

jason evans said...

Great news! I hope she has a great time. :)

Kim said...

Thanks, Jason, I'm sure she will.