The first week of summer is coming to a close. The kids have slept late, cooked up delicious things in the kitchen, spent their days playing with friends. My house has been full of children of all ages, mostly boys. I hear video games and guitars in their bedroom. There have been late nights and heavy footsteps on the stairs that got them into trouble with their father. Not once this week has the doorbell been for me. It is heaven.
I am looking for another house to rent. We are running out of time here. Each time I think about it I get a bit angry all over again. I looked at a house right here in the neighborhood a few days ago. It was in disarray, needed carpet, needed paint. It seemed small in comparison to this house. The search for this house took so long. I know there has to be another one somewhere that we'll be happy and comfortable in. I just can't seem to find it.
Hubby thinks we should just look for a home to buy, but I don't think we have enough time. It usually takes a couple of months once you find the home you want. I reminded him that we are renting for a reason, to be sure this is where we want to be. Buying seems so . . . final. I know it's not really, one can always sell a home. But something is keeping me from taking that step. I am not quite sure what it is.
Orange and lemon
18 hours ago
My opinion (not advice!) is that you listen to your instincts. Every time I have not I was sorry. Good luck with your search.
Yes, listen to your instincts is a good opinion. Perhaps you're just too exhausted with the whole house thing to want to spend the emotional energy that buying requires (reading what you said in April).
Lady M, I appreciate your opinion. Thanks so much.
Iota, I think you are right. I hate to think that I would choose something now just to be done with it and then be unhappy with the home for years. Thanks for stopping by!
I've sent you an e-mail regarding one piece of rental property. Let me know if I can help!
I wish you luck. Feeling unsettled about where you're living is very draining.
Hello, Kaycie, I have just fallen into your blog. It's interesting to read of your life across the pond. I do hope that your housing problem is settled quickly.
Thanks so much, Lizzie, for your kind thoughts. Glad you enjoyed reading. Thanks for stopping by.
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